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How to put a Cloud ☁︎ icon on your Twitter name using Mac

Cloud background

I started noticing that many people have neat cloud icon ☁︎ on their twitter name or other websites. It grabbed my attention, as I am very focused on Cloud platform. Thus, I wanted to put a cloud icon on my twitter name as well. However, I couldn’t find the information easily how to do that, especially using MAC computers.

Finally, after hit and try, I figured it out. Check out my twitter profile @KashifAhmed to see how it looks. Well, I decided to do a quick video on this and share with you all. If you want to put a cloud icon or any other shape on your twitter name using Mac, please watch the following video that will walk you through the steps of doing so.

For Windows User:

Windows users can do the same, using the character map or using Alt Codes on their PCs. Following blog post by Andrea has list of Alt codes for different symbols:


☁︎ Kashi ☁︎

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Last modified: March 26, 2023

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