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Google Chrome O.S. & Chrome Web Store wonders

Google Chrome O.S. and WebStore information by Kashif Ahmed

I have been always fan of Google and it’s offering. Their products and innovations motivate me to do something my own as well. Yesterday Google launched their Chrome Web Store, which is, I believe, the start of a new revolution for web applications and blessing for web developers. I have been long waiting for the beta program to get the first insight into it.

Today, just tried few applications on chrome web store and the idea looks good. However, I am not very sure how the entire O.S. web based or living in the browser will play among end users. There are many existing web based O.S. already where they provide you everything in a browser including office and many rich text apps. For example: Top 5 Web O.S. list by Desitech

Following is my brief overview of Google Chrome O.S. and Web Store:

To access Chrome Web Store visit the URL:

The Chrome Web Store where you can browse different applications and install it either on Desktop or your mobile devices running Android. The web store looks like the following:

Ref: Google Chrome Web Store

After adding few apps, you will notice that your chrome browser home page will look like the following:

ref: Google Chrome Web Store

You will find most of the apps free. Though, there are paid apps as well. Google checkout is used for billing and buying the apps to make life easier. The good thing is that Google aim to make the store as non-profit. One thing that I didn’t like is that some of the applications look like a web short cut to main website for example: etc.


Along with Chrome Web Store announcement, Google TestBed CR-48 Chrome O.S. based netbook is coming soon around mid 2011.

If you want to be part beta pilot testing of Chrome O.S., you can sign up for Chrome CR-42 Pilot testing and get a free netbook with ChromeOS for participation.

To Sign up go to

You can select your role and fill up a short form to apply for pilot program, I did J I will be now waiting to see if I get selected for beta testing, if yes, then will update you all with my reviews.

Have fun!!

Kashif Ahmed (Kashi)

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Last modified: March 4, 2023

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